Sunday, October 20, 2013


I completed a half-marathon race today.  I'm not sure what # this is for me, but it was my first Rock-n-Roll race.  My good friend, Laura, ran the full marathon which is much more impressive and difficult!

This is the first race I completed since being pregnant and becoming a mom.  I am definitely the most proud of this race, and it seems to mean more.  I did some of the training in August, but when school started, I really had no choice, but to do two of the runs in the morning before work.  I would wake up at 4:30 and be out the door by 5.  I am not a morning person so this is saying a lot!  It was dark out so I would run on the busy well-lit streets.  I would run anywhere from 4-5 miles.  Then, on the weekend, I would complete a long run early in the morning before Brax woke up or when he would take his afternoon nap.  Sometimes, I would see a few other people running so early.  I figure they must have kids, too, or why else would they be running so early?!

Wade was nice enough to watch Brax if he woke up while I was running and on Saturdays.  Also, he got up early to drop me off at the race and picked me up.

Here we are getting my race packet the day before.  One of the vendors was DirectTV so Wade signed up for a better deal than we have.  I will actually be able to watch the recorded shows upstairs!  Plus, we can actually record all the shows we want.  Thursdays are pretty popular tv nights here.
Here is Brax after I had to wake him up so I could get to the race.

At the race, there was a full moon, and I got to hang out with Laura a little bit before it started.

After the race, I was so cold.  The race ended near a Nebraska bar so I went in to warm up while I waited for Wade to pick me up.  There were a bunch of racers in there having a beer so I thought I'd join them.
Here is my medal:
Coming home to these guys is the best!

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