Saturday, October 26, 2013

Working Mom

I am so tired!  I do not know if I ever will feel rested again.  It is so hard being a working mom.  At work, there are actually times when people are talking to me, and I have to really focus on staying awake and listening.  If I wasn't so busy, I would lay my head down on my desk and take a nap over lunch.  

Working and being so tired is one reason I have decided to stop breastfeeding.  We made it to 8 months with Brax only having breast milk so I think that is pretty good.  I was planning on going a year, but I am just not producing very much milk anymore, and it is wearing on my body.  I have slowly weaned Brax since his 8th month birthday.  I plan on dropping the middle of the night feed starting Monday.  I know he is ready to go 12 hours without eating.  I am ready to get 8 straight hours of sleep, too!

I know I should be better about going to bed shortly after Brax, but there is always something to do when he goes to bed.  I mainly have housework to catch up on when he goes to bed, and those rare times when everything is caught up, I want to spend time doing what I want to do and catch up on some of my tv shows.

The hardest part about work is missing my baby during the day.  I so wish I could just stay home with him!  I'm glad our nanny sends us pictures and texts about how the day is going, but it just makes me miss him so so much!  Hopefully, when Wade finishes school, I will be able to at least only work part-time and spend some more time with Brax.

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