Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Friday Night Dinners

Before Brax was born, Wade and I would go golfing and out to dinner every Friday after work.  I looked forward to it all week.  Now, Wade and I go to dinner with Brax after work on Fridays.  It is still one of my favorite things I look forward to doing as a family.  Soon enough, we will all be able to go golfing as a family.  Last Friday, we went to dinner with our friends, Mike and Bonnie.  It was the last time we saw them before they had their baby.  They just had a little boy named River.  I can't wait for Brax and River to become best friends.  Anyway, here is Brax dressed up and ready to go to dinner.  I do love putting cute hats on him in the cooler weather.  He was pretty smiley on the car ride to dinner.  Then, he crashed after dinner on the way to Target.

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