Friday, October 25, 2013

My Best Friend Is Moving Here!!!

I couldn't be more excited!  My best friend, Stephanie, and her family are moving here in December!  Her husband, Brian, was offered a promotion for work.  I have known Steph since first grade, and she is actually my third cousin, too.  We grew up playing sports together as kids.  Then, when I went to town for school in 7th grade, we were in the same class until we graduated high school.  Then, we attended Rockhurst University and roomed together.  We have stayed in touch since college.  I have known her husband for a long time, too since they started dating in 8th grade.  I almost started crying when I got the text that they were moving here.  They will be about 30 minutes away, but that is still so much closer than Kansas City, and I will finally have a close friend near.  Last night, we met for dinner.  They were out here to buy a home this week.  The kids enjoyed each other.  Alayna is in 4th grade, and she was very excited to hold Brax.  Jace wanted to hold him, too.  He is in 1st grade.  It will be fun to get together for all of us especially since we are all Husker fans!

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